Tips to play Multiplayer Bluetooth Games in Local Cell Phone - Cell Phone Reviews.

  Playing game in cell phone is quite fun, we can play whatever game in our cell phone until the time goes by, and now, there’s an interesting way to play games, which is playing multiplayer games by asking friend, connecting them through Bluetooth system.

    Although it’s not new in games world, but this way is used much, and there are many java games options for local cell phone to be played in multiplayer, also some NES original games (which commonly has installed into the games cell phone). Here is how to connect multi-player games with Bluetooth :
1.      Activate Bluetooth in both cell phones.

2.      Select similar Games to be played.

3.      Select “Link”->”Host” in one of the cell phones.

4.      Select “Link”->”Join” in other cell phone and select Bluetooth as media to join in.

5.      When there’s a question, select “yes”.

6.      Connection has been made.

7.      Press on “OK” to start playing game.


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